
Upcoming Events

In this holiday season between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we here at Pike Liberal Arts are extremely busy with all sorts of activities and events.  Click the link below to see a detailed list of events and their corresponding dates.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

Upcoming Events for the Remainder of 2012

Donuts with Daddy

PTO is sponsoring Donuts with Daddy this Friday, November 30, from 7 - 8 am in the PLAS cafetorium.
The cost is $5 per family

Baked Goods

Pike Liberal Arts is hosting the AISA Football State Championship Triple Header this Friday, November 16.  Thanks to your consideration and cooperation in the past, we have provided excellent baked goods for this event.

We are asking for the same help this year.  For those willing to donate baked goods, we are asking that you drop them off by Friday morning.  Any baked goods such as cookies, brownies, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions, you can contact Mendy Avant at (334) 268-1537.

Thank you so much for your support.


True Pike Patriot Award

PLA Sports Boosters is accepting nominations for the True Pike Patriot Award.  We are blessed to have so many that serve our school, but we all know there are some who serve in special, unique ways and reflect the heart of a true Patriot.  

The award will be presented at the Fall Sports Banquet on Monday, December 3, 2012.  Nominations are due Wednesday, November 28, 2012.

Click here for the link to the True Pike Patriot Award description and nomination form.