
Spirit Day Friday at Hardees

Pike Liberal Arts School will have a Spirit Day this Friday from 4 am until 11 pm at Hardee's in Troy.  They will donate 20% of all pre-tax sales made during this time to PLAS.  Please cut out and submit one of the attached Spirit Day cards to the cashier when ordering at Hardee's either through the drive-thru or inside the restaurant.  The cashier will need to staple the card to your receipt and retain it so that the sales can be totaled at the end of the day.  It is an easy way to help PLAS earn money for classroom resources we desperately need.  Please cut out and give the other cards to friends and family to use on Friday.  Contact the school if you need more!  Thanks in advance for your help.  Go Pike!

Amy Garrett

Assistant Headmaster


Homecoming Mums

The cheerleaders would like to encourage everyone to share in the spirit of Homecoming by purchasing a mum for the daughter, mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, teacher, or any special lady in the Patriot family.

Mums will be white with red and blue ribbon. Cost is $15 for a plain mum with ribbon or $20 for a mum with ribbon, a football # or name.

If you would like to order, please call, text or email whether you would like the plain mum or special order mum (with detailed info) to Natalie Lankford 672-3301 (natalie@troycable.net) or Angie Grice 205-789-6218 (abgrice@bellsouth.net)

Orders MUST be received this Friday before 5:00. Mums will be available for pick up next Thursday afternoon.

Thanks, Happy Homecoming, and GO PIKE!


PLAS Red Ribbon Week

Due to homecoming festivities the last week of October, we will hold our Red Ribbon Week at PLAS next week.  Each day's theme is listed below.

Monday, October 20 - I'm too Bright for Drugs! (wear neon or bright colored clothing)

Tuesday, October 21 - Red Ribbon Day (wear red...ribbons will also be provided)

Wednesday, October 22 - Sock it to Drugs! (wear red, crazy, or mismatched socks)

Thursday, October 23 - Happy, Happy, Happy to be Drug Free! (wear camouflage)

Friday, October 24 - "Team Up" Against Drugs! (show your Patriot Pride...wear a PLAS shirt)

Report Cards

Report Cards are now available on Achieve.  They will remain available through Friday, October 31.

There will be a menu option entitled Report Card which will redirect you to your child's report card.

You may view, print, or download the report cards.

They do NOT have to be signed and returned to the school.

The report cards will be removed from Achieve on Saturday, November 1.