

We are pleased to announce that beginning Fall 2013, Pike Liberal Arts School will have wireless capabilities.  Students will be allowed to bring their own devices such as laptops and tablets to be used for instructional purposes in the classroom.  Cellular Phones will still NOT be allowed. 

There will be an Acceptable Use Policy for Technology that all students and parents will have to read and sign at the beginning of the school year that outlines what is acceptable and what is unacceptable use of technology.  It will also outline consequences of using technology in an unacceptable manner.  We are very excited about this huge step in furthering our abilities to educate and prepare our students for life after PLAS. 

More information will become available as we approach next school year; however, if you have any questions please call the office or email and we will do our best to answer those questions for you.  Thank you for supporting your Patriots.