
Neverthirst Campaign

Dear Pike Families:

The Neverthirst Campaign is under way at Pike and we have heard so many positive and encouraging things the students have shared with their parents!!  Thank you all for your support thus far...we are all excited to see how God works through the school to extend compassion to the ends of the earth!  Pike's fundraising campaign for Neverthirst ends 10/3 and we hope the students continue to add money to their buckets in their classrooms!

My family has been involved with Neverthirst over the past few years and we have had the opportunity to provide clean water wells in India through Neverthirst.  We recently received our completed report for our 2015 well and I wanted to share with all of you so you could see how real Neverthirst is and the opportunity it provides for your children and yourselves to be a part of furthering God's kingdom.  Upon completion of every single well, the donors receive a report similar to the report included below.  I can't wait to see and share the report(s) from the well(s) provided through our campaign efforts at Pike Liberal Arts School!!!


Candace Nelson