
Christmas Band Concert

PTO Christmas Store

The PTO will be having a Christmas Store on Wednesday, December 11, from 7:30 am until 3:00 pm and also on Thursday, December 12, from 7:30 am until 1:00 pm.

Gifts range in price from $1 to $10 with most gifts falling in the $3 to $6 range.

Gift wrapping is available free of charge.

Please come out and support the PTO and Pike Liberal Arts!!


Veggie Sales

Veggie Sales have been extended until Friday, December 6.

Softball Fundraiser

Booster Boston Butt Sale

The Booster Club is taking pre-orders for a Boston Butt Sale which will coincide with this weekend's SEC Championship Game. The Boston Butt's will weigh 8-9 pounds pre-cooke and will be available for pick up on Friday, December 6th behind the Gym between the hours of 8 am – 5:00 pm

All pre-orders must be received by Tuesday, December 3.

An order form can be found by clicking here for your convenience.